Friday, May 16, 2008


Hello again! It is official, Romeo is the newest member of the household. We feel confident that Pooh will come around in time and learn to accept the puppers. We just don't feel that his one chase amounted to much and he is easily distractable and has done nicely with a few commands. When I refill his water bowl, he liked to jump but he now understands that in order to get the water he must sit. At first it was a hand signal but now he mostly does it because he knows the rule. He is a smart little guy. I am going to sign us up for some doggie classes at PetSmart so that we can learn to communicate with each other effectively. His Memaw wants to see him this weekend so we might go to the Flea Market and let him socialize a little bit. If we don't do that, I am going to see if my Brother will come out for a BBQ and bring the kids. I think he would enjoy chasing around my Nephews and Neice. So now I am thinking that Romeo needs a middle name... Romeo Horatio Taylor? Mmm, maybe not. I love Shakespeare, I am a huge fan so his name is absolutely fitting. I will definitely get pictures up once my camera works... which may never happen so I guess I need to by a new one. =( We are going to introduce him to the neighbors dogs maybe this weekend. Maggie and Roscoe are sweeties and I think they might enjoy each other as a playmate. That is all for now! Thank you Tracey, Sheila and all at GSRA!! We will keep you posted.

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