Friday, February 26, 2010


Okay, so I have been watching my food intake and exercising since December. I have lost 21.5 pounds and 13 inches. I love to eat my ALL-Bran cereal in the morning with a banana. Yum!! I never really looked at the ingredients. I was reading a site a while back about cereals. They indicated that cereal wasn't the best breakfast unless you were having the two ingredient shredded wheat as most cereals have crap in them. I thought, "Come on! My cereal is all bran, it is good for me." Ever since reading this, it has been nagging at me.. so this morning, after my workout, I decided to have my ALL-Bran cereal. Hey, there is the ingredient list... WTF??? Sugar and high fructose corn syrup are in the top five?!?!

I love oatmeal and honey for breakfast, it is so good. HAHA!! No more cereals for me unless they have simple ingredients.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Shingles Missing...

Due to blustering winds.. missing shingles.