Thursday, May 29, 2008
Everyone at the Taylor Household is doing great. In fact, Romeo and Pooh slept in the same bed last week. He slept on the foot of the bed and Pooh slept between us. They are doing much better. Romeo is a bundle of energy and we go out and play everyday. Yesterday, Michael had taken him out and when they came back in, Romeo tore through the house, jumped on the couch with me for some love and promptly leaped to his love seat for playtime. He likes to get into bed with us and he stays for about thirty minutes before he runs out to sleep on his couch with his blanket that his Memaw made for him. It is a fleece blanket with puppies on it. He is figuring out chase and fetch, so that is fun. He sits pretty and lays down when asked too... well, most of the time. And boy does he talk. I don't mean bark, he talks to you. He is such a good boy and definitely warns us with that bark that someone is out there. I promise to get pictures up!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Flea Markets and Nightmares
Hello! Memaw and I took Romeo to the Flea Market this weekend. I bought a new Fenton milk glass peice for my little bitty collection and Memaw bought a new flag for her yard. Romeo did really well with the other dogs and people. Lots of folks wanted to love on him and he was eager to let them. He is such a flirt. He had a few moments of anxiety, I think, when we are around alot of activity. I gave my Mom the leash, stayed in sight of him to make my purchase. He didn't care for that and barked until I made it back to him. He continued to bark even after I got back as if to say, "Don't do that again!" He settled down when I asked him to stop and rewarded him with some good smooching and loving. He really likes Memaw and keeps tabs on her if she walks away from us. As I said, he did great with the other dogs. There was one, however, that brought out the fact that he is submissive by choice. Mom and I turned a corner and we saw a dog that took a very defensive stance at seeing Romeo. No other dog had behaved this way. He lowered his head in a challenge and stared at Romeo. Romeo puffed out his chest, pulled his head up proud and confidently walked in front of Mom and I, got close to our legs and stopped. He would not let us pass. It wasn't until we reassured him that it was okay to pass that he allowed us to continue. We praised him for being such a good boy. On Saturday night, he fell asleep on the love seat when Michael and I went to bed. I was half asleep and thought I heard him growl... naturally, I thought it was Michael snoring. Haha. Well, I heard it again only it was more menacing with some snarling. Romeo was asleep but growling and then he barked waking himself up. He whined a little bit so I went over, reassured him that he was okay. He followed me back to the bedroom, crawled into his bed and I tucked him back to sleep. Oh! And he hugs. He jumped into bed with me Sunday morning, got up close and put a paw on my shoulder as I was on my side. So, I put an arm around him and announced to Michael that we were hugging. I think I might have heard a chuckle and a "Oh brother." I hate leaving him during the day so we spent thirty minutes on the couch snuggling before I had to get dressed. I am thinking he is a Momma's Boy and gosh am I in love.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Hello again! It is official, Romeo is the newest member of the household. We feel confident that Pooh will come around in time and learn to accept the puppers. We just don't feel that his one chase amounted to much and he is easily distractable and has done nicely with a few commands. When I refill his water bowl, he liked to jump but he now understands that in order to get the water he must sit. At first it was a hand signal but now he mostly does it because he knows the rule. He is a smart little guy. I am going to sign us up for some doggie classes at PetSmart so that we can learn to communicate with each other effectively. His Memaw wants to see him this weekend so we might go to the Flea Market and let him socialize a little bit. If we don't do that, I am going to see if my Brother will come out for a BBQ and bring the kids. I think he would enjoy chasing around my Nephews and Neice. So now I am thinking that Romeo needs a middle name... Romeo Horatio Taylor? Mmm, maybe not. I love Shakespeare, I am a huge fan so his name is absolutely fitting. I will definitely get pictures up once my camera works... which may never happen so I guess I need to by a new one. =( We are going to introduce him to the neighbors dogs maybe this weekend. Maggie and Roscoe are sweeties and I think they might enjoy each other as a playmate. That is all for now! Thank you Tracey, Sheila and all at GSRA!! We will keep you posted.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Kitty Chase
Okay, so last night Romeo decided to stalk Pooh. When she took off, he took off after her. She slipped under the baby gate and laid down on her bed. She feels safe in there and he hasn't tried to get past it. He does go looking for her so we will have to find ways to distract him when we believe him to be the tiniest bit interested in her. We will also use the whole play with the kitty while he on a leash. She loves to chase her ball and it would be an opportunity each night to use this method to try to train him to "Leave it". He really is a sweet dog, we worry what could have happened had he caught up to her. He was scolded and immediately laid down. I definately think he is trainable - he does not bother her most of the time. I think we need to do more to pull his focus on us as his entertainment.
On a sweet note, he did snuggle in bed with me this morning. Michael said, "Come on Pooh, lets leave the love birds alone." Hehe.
On a sweet note, he did snuggle in bed with me this morning. Michael said, "Come on Pooh, lets leave the love birds alone." Hehe.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Play Time
So, Romeo has decided that he does want to play with the kitty. She was pretty startled yesterday when he wagged his tail vigorously, put his front paws down with his butt in the air and proceeded to bark at her. She hissed at him when he bounced his paws off the bed but she didn't run. Later in the evening, he was lounging on the floor and she walked right passed him to snuggle with Michael. Even though she was startled earlier, she seems to feel safe with him in the house so that is positive. The baby gate is working great, she gets her own room with the litter box and her food. We couldn't find a gate with the little cat door so we raised the gate to allow her to slip beneath it. Hopefully he will leave the gate alone as she enjoys twitching her tail at him from a distance. He did really great yesterday being home with her and was exicted to see me after work. We went for our walk and played in the yard. Last night I woke up to check on him as he wasn't in his bed - he was snoring on the couch. This morning before work we played in the house, he tossed his football around and looked for the kitty. When I left him this morning, he was relaxing on his blanket.. I am sure he will spend the day chasing the cat and sleeping on the couch. He is such a good boy.
Sunday, May 11, 2008

"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep." - Juliet to Romeo
On Friday, we brought Romeo home. We, not he, are on trial this week. He has a tale of triumph, evil versus good. He smote down, with the help of GSRA and The Campbells*, those that would do him harm.
He is incredibly sweet and laid back - in fact, we believe, it is his calming nature that has made this easy for Pooh. She still hides but since he doesn't give chase, she has had the time to acclimate to him. Of course, this hasn't stopped her from hissing from a distance and going up and over the couch to get to the kitchen. He is not fond of our laminate flooring but we provided him some carpet runners that seem to help his confidence to make it around on his own. We have spent most of our time on the porch, enjoying the breeze and being lazy. He takes Amy on a walk twice a day, when possible, and she thanks him every time he makes her walk all the way around to the driveway rather than the shortcut through the grass. We laid out on a blanket yesterday where Romeo proceeded to pounce on Michael and lay in his lap. We enjoys his squeak football and has found some interest in tossing milkbones in the air before eating them. Yesterday we went to the park, PetSmart and today we went to CVS. He saw lots of people, cars and got some wind across his ears.
We have found it very hard to leave him alone. When he is sleeping on his blanket in the living room, it is painful not to get down with him and snuggle.
We did have a startling revelation today that we did not think of.... we were watching Saving Private Ryan and when the gun fire started he ran around through the house. We didn't understand at first but, duh, we changed the channel and he calmed down. No more action movies for us and well, that is okay.
We hope that at the end of the week, he will want to stay.
*The Campbells - The wonderful and fabulous Foster Family of Romeo's.
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