Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Herb Bed

Here is the herb bed that Michael made, it only has four plants in it.. Pineapple Sage, Basil, Lavender and Rosemary. Pineapple Sage smells soooo good!!! I also took pictures of the stakes we have up for the beans and the snap peas... who else thinks it looks like two A's or one M? Aww... how sweet. =^)

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Hello again! The garden is coming along... I crammed to much into these little beds but who cares because I have stuff growing in them. We bought material for one more bed like these and one smaller for the herb collection.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

We also started our raised beds for the vegetable garden. We bought three 2"x12"x12' boards and had Lowe's cut them to make two 3'x6' beds and filled them with organic compost and top soil. Michael did all the work to make them and I have asked him to make me a couple of smaller ones for herbs and such.

And almost a year later, we final bought a new camera. Romeo, Juliet and Miss P.